Challenge: Start recycling something new
Sponsor: Tom's of Maine
Action: I have tons of old CD's that I don't want anymore. Instead of selling them or throwing them out, I'm going to recycle them :)
Spring cleaning came a little early for me this year. My room has been a chaotic mess lately, all my stuff still in boxes from my big move a few months ago. One weekend, I decided enough was enough and completely cleaned and reorganized my room. When all was said and done, I had a pile of things that I was looking to get rid of, including a stack of old CDs and DVDs.
A few days later, I came across a challenge on Bolder. The challenge was to start recycling something new. I rattled my brain and thought, "what do I have an abundance of that I could recycle?" I remembered that about a year ago we had some old disks lying around at work and a coworker of mine had decided to recycle them. So I talked with him, did some research, and found a place in my area that recycled CDs and DVDs. Recycling old disks had never crossed my mind before! I was so happy to find a new way to be environmentally friendly. I've been vegan for 2 years now, so I love finding new ways to recycle or help the environment in any way.
You're awesome Brittany! Way to make a difference and do something rad!