Friday, January 14, 2011

Boldest Action: Michelle D has one word for us: plastics

Category: Environment
Challenge: Use less plastic today
Sponsor: Lunchbots
Action: Canvas lunch bag, metal water bottle, ceramic mug, and brought my own silverware from home...

To preface this post, rewind to the famous movie, The Graduate (1967) and watch this scene. Think things have changed?

Michelle's Thoughts:
In my organic chemistry class this past semester, I was asked to do a presentation about chemicals found in plastic food/water containers. I learned how some additives, which make plastics more durable, may harm our bodies. Because the plastic additives can mimic hormones, such as the female hormone estrogen, the additives can lead to hormone imbalances and other problems. This got me thinking...if plastics can cause health issues AND they definitely cause environmental problems, maybe I should try to limit the amount of plastic in my life.

Plastic is everywhere, so I decided to take it one step at a time. I started with limiting the plastic I use when eating and drinking. I invested in a metal water bottle and a thermos to carry with me. And I always keep a set of dishes, a ceramic mug, and metal silverware at work. I've found that my investments in reusable containers have paid themselves back over and over again, and I have less plastic in my life. It's a win-win deal!

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