Thursday, January 6, 2011

Boldest Action Winner: Brian S - don't brush off the easy challenges

Category: Environment
Challenge: Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
Sponsor: Nature's Gate
Action: I have been bold twice a day for 25 years!

The call to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth was challenged on Bolder the day that I turned 25. I might have brushed off the challenge (pun very much intended) as too easy - doesn't everyone turn off the water while polishing the pearly whites? But then it hit me - I have been acting bold every day, twice a day, my entire life. That is BOLD!

This challenge isn't about just doing it once. It is about forming a habit that you will take you through your next 25 years. In fact, all the challenges posed on Bolder shouldn't be viewed as a temporary change to snag some awesome rewards. Changing your habits is the way to make people notice and change the world!

(we agree Brian, congrats!)

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