Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Small changes, huge impact - Jessica A transforms her life battle into a personal mantra

By Jessica A

As a recent breast cancer survivor I am especially aware of what I'm putting in and on my body. I've been researching herbal and all-natural personal care products lately. Around the holidays I decided to try making my own moisturizer. Using an old kitchen blender I mixed up two 13 ounce jars full of rich, emollient cream. I gave one as a gift and kept the other; I use it daily! If you would like to make your own, please see my recipe below.

Since making the moisturizer, I've made liquid hand soap, all-purpose scrub, and an all-purpose cleaner. All from natural ingredients. My family is now almost 100% free of toxic chemicals. We are eating all-natural foods, using all-natural products, and wasting almost nothing. We dispose of one bag of trash per week and the rest is recyclable/compostable. I've learned a few small changes can have a huge impact on my family's health and eventually, the health of my community and the world.

2 ounces beeswax
1 cup sweet almond oil
1 cup water
10 drops essential oil

Keep in mind, as you make this, it's thick...like, scrape-it-up-with-your-fingernails-to-apply-it-thick. Heat the beeswax and sweet almond oil until the wax melts. In another container, heat the water until warm. Both mixtures should be warm, not hot! Pour the warm water into your blender and replace the lid. While running the blender on HIGH, slowly pour in the beeswax-oil mixture. You will notice the mixture thickening. Add your essential oil and continue mixing to desired thickness. I used rosemary oil. Rosemary oil is an antiseptic and kills bacteria, as my cream was initially to be used as hand cream I thought those were good properties. Since making it, I've begun using it as an all-over moisturizer and it works wonderfully.

Challenge: Switch to natural skin care
Sponsor: Weleda [ See Challenge Here ]
Action: "I made homemade moisturizer from beeswax, sweet almond oil, water & rosemary essential oil--it's wonderful!"

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