Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Proof that documentaries work: A year of organic eating

[Foreword: we thought you'd like to know this very important detail. Lynn just broke her wrist and typed her story one-handed. Talk about Bolder! Feel better Lynn, and thanks for taking the time to type your story]

The Year of Eating Organically
by Lynn

My journey of organic eating began almost a year ago and not in a way one might think. One evening, I saw that the documentary film "Food, Inc." was going to be on our local public television station. I thought "hey, this film got nominated for an Oscar, so I think I'll check it out". When the film came on, I had no clue what I was in for and how it would completely change my life. It opened my eyes to the brutal truth of where our food comes from, and it was not what I expected. From the way the animals are treated on factory farms to the actions of Monsanto, I was so shocked by everything I saw that I decided my family would be eating differently from that moment on. We decided to go completely organic, and we haven't looked back.

Eating organically hasn't always been an easy road. It isn't cheap and there are few options when it comes to eating out, but the good outweighs the bad ten-fold. Since switching to organic food, I've lost 20 pounds, I have a lot more energy and my skin looks healthier and clearer. I've never been much of a cook but since going organic, I've had to get creative in the kitchen and you know what? It's been really fun! I started coming up with my own recipes and cooking up things I thought I'd never try.

To help with food costs, we started going to our local farmer's markets where we've met some of the wonderful people who grow our yummy produce. My husband and I even started growing some of our own organic fruits, veggies and herbs (which turns out is a national trend since the recession). That has been so awesome!

You know what else is awesome about this organic eating experience? The sense of connectedness you have with your food when you've learned about where it comes from and had a hand in creating it. To me, that is the real essence of organic living.

The end.

Challenge: Eat an organic salad today
Sponsor: Earthbound Farm [ See Challenge Here ]
Action: "I make an organic salad everyday w/ spring mix, tomatoes, onions, roasted turkey, shredded parm & olive oil & balsamic vinaigrette dressing!"


  1. awesome post Lynn. thanks for your thoughts!

  2. Love it. Sometimes in funny where thing come from that change the way we look at our world. Things are going back more to the way it as when I grew up.Great story Lynn

  3. Lynn, thanks for your post. Choosing organic can make a difference, right? Sounds like you've been resourceful and had a very interesting journey so far. Keep up the healthy (and delicious) work!

  4. Lynn.....thank you for your thoughts. The fact that we all are deeply connected to what we eat becomes more apparent when we notice how much better our body feels when we do.
    Our body responds so quickly like a dog wagging it's tail when petted. Our body so wants to be loved by eating well! And staying away from the doctors and hospitals is just one of the huge benefits of conscious eating!
