Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bolder Is Green, Red, Blue...

This week, we proudly launched our biggest challenge ever, rather NINE challenges to be exact, in collaboration with and in honor of Earth Day 2011. We're really excited about all the positive actions - over 5,000 TOTAL -that have been taken in the last few days for a greener future. All your actions prove that individuals acting bolder really can make a difference. A huge thank you to everyone who's participated - you've seriously inspired us - and as a result, we haven't been sleeping much.

Our user participation is growing so rapidly that we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a key piece of the Bolder vision. Bolder is a platform for businesses and individuals to come together and take positive action around something we all care about, green and beyond. When we started Bolder, we outlined 4 broad categories for challenges. They are: Health & Fitness, the Environment, Community & Culture, and Education. We're pushing every day for challenges to be diverse, fun, and inspiring for you. At their most fundamental level, every challenge on Bolder should create positive action somewhere in the world.

We strive to empower each business partner to build positive action around something they care deeply about. It's been inspiring to see so many businesses promote green challenges, as it's something we care deeply about. At the same time, many Bolder businesses have started challenges that are outside the green mold. A few that come to mind:
The point being, we all make decisions every day that impact the world. Some are green, some are red, some are blue. Your choices may seem like drop in the bucket, but 5,000 individual drops in a bucket is nothing to sneeze at. That's the amplifying power we see in Bolder. At the end of the day, we want to offer anyone a way to be part of a challenge that creates positive action in the world.

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