Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boldest Action of the Challenge: "Reuse something you normally throw away" with Shelley M.

Shelley M. on why this action matters:

I realized that I have been wasting plastic bags by just throwing them out each day after I use them to carry my lunch. When I was given a large sturdy plastic bag in Hawaii ( It's even a biodegradable one) from the grocery store, I thought " this one is worth bringing home."

I stuffed it in my suitcase and decided to see how long I could possibly keep re-using the same bag once I got home. So far it has lasted for about 5 months. When I calculate that I would have likely thrown out 100 bags if I had used a different one for my lunch each day for 5 months.. it has become part of my routine to save bags and re-use them in whatever way possible. I plan to keep re-using this bag until it self-disintegrates. It may even move across the country with me in 2 months when I leave CA!

I challenge you to try it and think about how something as simple as re-using 1 plastic bag can go a long way towards reducing waste and ultimately benefiting our environment.

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