Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Boldest action winner: Chris S uses cold/cold and line dries to get his jeans feeling like his favorite drink!

Challenge: Wash your clothes on the cold/cold cycle
Challenge Sponsor: Seventh Generation
Chris' Action: Wash on cold/cold and hang dry the load. That's my mantra. And it keeps my denim dark and stiff just like my drinks
Bold Votes: 8

Chris' Thoughts:
Washing on cold/cold and line drying is a two fold (no pun intended) operation. It means I'm saving energy and increasing efficiently all while saving a little a little cash on the dryer too. I'll be honest, it started out as a necessity. I'm a tall guy and I can't usually afford even a 1/2 in shrink in the length of my clothes but what started out as self serving quickly became an enlightened way of life. In college I spent quite some time abroad where indeed line drying is a necessity and I realized: your clothes stay nicer, darker, and stiffer (these are pluses for denim or so I'm told) and it's better for the environment! Wow. I once read that 40% of the carbon footprint of a garment comes in the post consumer segment of its life from drying! Lame. So now in SF I dry most of my clothes on the shower rod, and for the record I take Makers Mark with one cube. :-)

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